The Profit Through Process Planner

Start accelerating your business growth today

Tired of quick fixes? Scaling a company is a continuous process. This six step system shows you how to get started and how to keep going and growing.

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Start putting best practice processes in place today

Step One: Managing and Motivating People

Because five core skills are required to manage, market and sell to people. Complete the exercises to start build lasting trust and understanding.

Step Two: Reach Your Target Audience

Design better products and services, position them with buyers, and go to market with effective outreach. Complete the exercises to launch your offer.

Step Three: Seize the Sales Opportunity

How to be remembered, handle objections before they arise, negotiate big deals and sell more to existing clients.
Complete the exercises to build a proven sales process for your business.

Step Four: Manage and Track Your Finances

Rapid growth requires risk management. The Cash Flow Calculator shows you exactly what to do to scale safely.  No accountancy knowledge needed. Complete the exercises to create a robust plan of action.

Step Five: Inspire Through Leadership

Inspire people to follow you while designing an organisation capable of rapid growth.
Complete the exercises to create a culture you are proud of sharing.

Step Six: Teamwork Makes the Vision Work 

Unlock the techniques for effective teamwork, promote innovation and build a business where people want to work.
Complete the exercises to put the processes in place to create a lasting legacy.

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Werner Roshardt,

Patent Attorney

"Simon uses questions to understand my business goals and to help me discover the best way to present my message to small business owners. 

For me, all his inputs are golden nuggets."

Rochan Kakar,

CSO Granimals

“This is so helpful Simon Maughan - thanks a lot!

We never thought about our #'s beyond profit margins.”

Ishita Bhandari,

Business Development Manager

"I want to express my deepest gratitude to Simon.

From making sure I had the perfect start to motivating me at each step, he just helped me in the best possible manner I could have imagined".

This is for you if...

You worry you’re leaving money on the table because your sales process isn’t working as it should.

Only 29% of salespeople make quota.

You're constantly pulled into operational issues, and feel you never get to focus on growing the business.

Business owners spend 68% of time on routine tasks.

You're embarrassed to see other founders bragging about their growth while you're barely scraping by.

2/3rds of companies never make a positive return.

Your product is better than the competition, but you're starting to doubt if anyone else will ever see it.

The average email conversion rate is 0.8%.

Your team seems disengaged, and you're worried they’re losing passion for the business.

63% of companies say retaining is harder than hiring.

If you keep underperforming, you’ll lose the respect of your team and investors.

Investors force 50% of founders out within 3 years.

“I realised I’d been straying from my founding story. I am excited about putting my original plans for the business in place now.”

Jamie Graham – Owner, The Hidden Voices.

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Start scaling your business with The Profit Through Process Planner for just ÂŁ397.
